Thanks to Bernadette for our fantastic new cover picture!

NotaBene is a Bristol-based a cappella ensemble, specialising in bringing dynamic performance elements to lively vocal harmony. We sing a wide variety of musical styles from medieval partsongs to modern jazz and pop settings.

Prior to appearing in this summer’s Bristol Shakespeare Festival, and in company with Bristol- based actors and instrumentalists, we are presenting Shakespeare as you’ve (probably) never heard him before.

Songs and sonnets are given a contemporary twist in a variety of styles from blues to Elvis, from tango to barbershop. There will also be theatrical interpretations of snippets and scenes from Shakespeare’s plays and poems.

Join us for this lively celebration of the Bard’s best bits. Tea and cake will be served during the interval.


If you think you look fetching in purple and can hold a harmony against a rambunctious bass line, or even deliver a rambunctious bass line, we may be just what you’re looking for as we move from 8 voices to 12.

Vacancies available in all vocal parts – drop us an email to for more info!


As well as presenting our own concerts, performing in street festivals, theatre productions and carol-singing, we can be hired for weddings, birthday celebrations, civil partnerships, parties, anniversaries or any event that would be enhanced by some sophisticated and spirited song.

